Students are required to learn and prefect these techniques before progressing to next level.
Both sides start with fighting position (right foot behind)
1. A: Step forward, mid-section punch
B: Both feet slide backward, use front hand downward block, reverse counter punch then back foot instep kick
A: Step Backward then reverse turning kick (hook)
2. A: Slide instep kick with back foot
B: Side step in front of opponent, execute back kick
A: Slide backward to avoid the kick, counter with double instep kick
3. A: Jumping or flight side kick
B: Both feet slide to the side in front of opponent, execute back kick
A: Both feet slide backward then execute (flight, jump, step) roundhouse kick
4. A: Step forward, mid-section punch
B: Slide to the side, left hand downward block, reverse punch, double instep kick
A: Both feet slide backward the crescent in to the face
5. A: Jumping half turn
B: Both feet slide backward, reverse turning kick (hook)
A: Front foot slide side kick
6. A: Combo Instep and reverse turning kick
B: Step backward then quickly step forward, counter with double instep kick
A: Slide backward and execute back kick
7. A: Front foot slide hook kick
B: Step backward then Triple instep kick
A: Step back and counter with double instep kick
8. A: Step forward with mid-section punch
B: Back foot inward crescent, reverse turning kick
A: Step backward then quickly step forward mid-section punch again
B: Low reverse sweep then downward roundhouse kick to the chest
9. A: Front foot slide side kick
B: Side step then execute roundhouse kick to the face
A: Dodging then execute back kick
10. A: Side step side kick
B: Slightly dodge back then step up counter with reverse turning kick (hook)
A: Jumping hook kick